Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stitching with the Easy Way for the Rest of Us

After working my way through the "great" program that I downloaded last night to do picture stitching, I grew weary of the instructions that seemed to be written for someone far sharper than me. It seemed hopeless. So, as any good researcher would do...I Googled once again. This time I found some You Tube videos posted by a nice guy with the name jknightsmith. A true teacher that makes it easy. So, if you have Photoshop and want to do some stitching, here's the website to learn from a wonderful source: This guy is GREAT; nice accent, too.
So, at 11:45 p.m. last night, here's what I came up with, courtesy of Mr. J Knightsmith's tutorial:
First, the three pics:

and then the stitch (still in its rough form, but initial stitching is done):

 This looks menial, but I went to sleep with a smile on my face and a sense of accomplishment in my heart. Learning curves are exhilarating and exhausting! I still have a ways to go before I do those B&B pics, but I'm on my way!

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