Sunday, August 14, 2011

Final Weekend of the Adventure: Looking Ahead

A year has nearly passed since I started this adventure of being 50. To anyone who has been or is 50, I think you will agree that it brings with it certain feelings. Half a century. Kinda neat.
Did I have 50 new adventures? Probably.
Can I name them all? Nope.
Here are some of the highlights:
1. Ended a five year run of a job
2. Learned the unemployment insurance process for the first time in 25+ years of working
3. Decided to go back to a student
4. Decided to go back to a teacher
5. Learned how to telecommute and work for people across the globe
6. Got back into tai chi
7. Learned Irish cooking...also learned that Irish cooking=weight gain...took away the lesson of Irish cooking in moderation is best
8. Decided that "healthy weight" is going to trump "ideal weight"
9. Minimized my clothes closet to about 1/4 its original stock=freedom!
10. Started a blog on sewing
11. Started a blog on spiritual thinking based on the liturgical calendar
12. Started a blog on digital photography
13. Saw the need for a website to keep all the crazy blogs
14. Created said website; it's appropriately named a nerd world country
15. Created a website for Otwell's 4th of July...a labor of love I'll do over and over again
16. Created a website for the Pike County Fair...hope I'll be invited back
17. In the midst of creating a website for Otwell...another labor of reacquainted with the village
18. Planted a fall garden
19. Made a pledge to live more sustainably
20. Will launch a blog "circa1960" to replace the retired "50 adventures at 50"
21. Celebrated 27 years of blissful weddedness with my best friend (and apparently, according to spell check, just coined a new word)
22. Began a little start up with #1 son and Tom called the 3weismans
23. Started writing a book
24. Pretty much sworn off network news
25. Pretty much ditto for network tv
That's enough of a list to put anyone into a stupor...I won't make your eyes glaze over with more.
It's been a good year.
Despite yet another tanked economy and job loss.
It's allowed me to be more aggressive in looking into learning more about technology.
I like that very much.
Wednesday will begin year 51...I'll look back fondly on good 'ol 50, but 51, you know, in Roman numerals is  a part of 