Thursday, June 30, 2011

Endings...and Beginnings

At 4:31 pm this afternoon, I officially signed off as an employee of InSAI. I have been wiped from the system and my schools transferred over to my former work partner. I have removed my Digsby for im, and I've put an auto-reply on my email address.
The phone number and fax number will be disconnected by tomorrow morning; at that time, those two items which have been vital communication tools will once again return to the status of "stuff" that will return to its box, waiting to be transported back to the main office on a trip to Bloomington.Other items are in a box, awaiting the same trek.
My bulletin board now has an empty spot where all my lists of schools' progress lived throughout the seasons.
I can feel the closure.
It has a definite "ending" feel to it.
there are also beginnings.
The website I designed to the 4th of July is nearing 1200 hits--something I never dreamed would happen. The app is in its final stages of being ready to go--Kurt and I are working on the final edits.
The website for the 4-H fair has been released and I'll be sending it out as well on July 5; that app is in mid-finish (If that's not a word, it really should be...that explains that app pretty well.)
Over the next few days I have a website to create for our new little venture "3weismans". Also in July I'll be setting up a schedule for a series of Tech Talks for the area. 
The farmers market site is beginning to see some traffic. That will get more attention now.
And the list goes on...

Endings can be tough, but they are such a necessary part of life so that new beginnings can take place. Looking back, I'm beginning to realize just how good the timing was for this closure. Sure, the security of the every other week paycheck will be missing for awhile, but it's a sincere hope that this area in which I live will embrace the idea of allowing me the opportunity to return to teaching once again as a consultant in their quest to better understand how technology shapes and can be of positive use in their lives.  I look forward to the makes for great blog material and keeps us young(er). 

All my best to the thousands of fine people I have met and worked with during my time with InSAI. My love and gratitude to my bosses and my workmates--what a fine bunch of folks. The memories will be held dearly; the opportunities presented for future growth are treasured.

So...farewell's been grand.

Hello, future...nice to meet you.