Today, February 13, was one of those days that just makes a person smile...and yearn. Today the sun beamed, the sky was an azure blue, and there was enough warmth that I'm guessing more than one pair of flip-flops ventured out from the dark recesses of closets. In a word: BEAUTIFUL. Coats came off, gloves came off, woolen hats came off...and light-heartedness returned again.
We do have the forecast of varying degrees of warmth for the entire week; judging from the winter doldrums that this deceivingly long month of February has delivered to the masses, I'm guessing that moods across the area will improve exponentially.
And why wouldn't a mood improve with warmth? Science shows us that we desperately need certain amounts of vitamin D that the sun can best deliver to us. Science also shows that we gain energy when we have more daylight. And who can turn down the pleasure of waking up and putting on the "uniform" of the day that involves flip-flops, sunglasses, and a cozy t-shirt? Life just gets easier when there are less clothing layers involved.
So...this week we get a little glimpse--a little taste of the appetizer. We check the calendar, start counting down the days, and start looking for those first signs of spring. Hope "springs" eternal.
Enjoy this week and revel in our little glimpse of warmth and sunshine.