Tom and I pulled an "empty nester" and somewhat impulsively crossed the border into Illinois and headed to Fairfield, known as "The Community of Friendly People". That sign, we found out, was not just a sign--these folks practice what they preach. We felt welcomed wherever we stopped. And no one was more welcoming to us than our good friends the Oppenheimers--Mike, Pinky, Jagermeister, Boris, and Icky Bunny. (I forgot the snake's name but will admit I didn't spend any quality time with it, although I'm sure it's a very nice snake--after all, it lives in Fairfield.)
There's just something pretty special about being in the company of good friends. When you spend time with them in their home, you realize even more why you liked them in the first place. The humor, the compassion about things that matter, and the feeling of instantly being a part of their lives in total makes live pretty good. And then there's the food...holy cow!
During the course of 12 hours we drank excellent chocolate martinis w/raspberry whipped topping (check those out in the picture with Mike the Mixologist), fantastic NY strip steaks, potatoes, and mushrooms, all slow-cooked over a bed of hickory; bread, salad, and malbec wine that completed a table that where some serious eating, drinking, and being merry took place well into the night.
The next morning we returned and were treated to scrambled eggs and french fries--truly! It's an old Italian recipe handed down from Mike's family and was amazingly good. Once again, we enjoyed an abundance of good foods, lively conversation, and some great laughs.
After a quick tour of Fairfield proper, we said our good-byes and headed back across the border back home again to Indiana.
Thanks to our hosts and thanks to all those who open their homes fully to others...there's just not a much nicer thing to do!
wow -- that martini looks *fabulous*