Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New Craft: Stitching--Pictures, Not Material

A good friend of mine called the other day and asked for a favor. She has a beautiful bed and breakfast, and has the website developer coming in the next month. She said her dilemma centered around that fact that the pictures that were currently on the site didn't tell the whole story of the rooms. I thought for a moment and then asked her if the site developer wanted to do some panoramic shots of the rooms. I could take the pictures she was requesting I do, and then stitch them together for a 360 degree view for those inquiring about their stay.
The next thing I needed to do was to actually learn how to do this...nothing like a little pressure to make us learn a bit quicker :). 
So...I did what any good student would do...I Googled.  In my research, I found a great site called Hugin that is a free download from SourceForge (I do love an open source application). I downloaded it, went out and took 8 pictures for a panoramic stitch. 
I've started working on putting the images into the stitcher; I'd love to tell you that it was just that easy. I'd really love to tell you that. Guess you've figured out that it's going to be a continuing saga; when I figure this all out, I'll gladly share my "work of art". Ah...learning keeps us young!

1 comment:

  1. Love a person who's not afraid of a challenge!!!


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