Monday, November 1, 2010

Come November--Come Fresh Challenges

Welcome November--Happy All Saints' Day--Happy first day of NaNoRiMo (National Novel Writing Month)--Happy first day of the 30 Day Giving Challenge--sounds like a good month all-around.

We start off the month with a beautiful sunrise which will be featured in later today. Looking at it first thing out of bed this morning certainly gave power to the blessed words, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

All Saints' Day, honored as a holy day by many denominations, gives us the chance to pause and think about the many saints that have come to us in our lives as well as those who passed before our existence.

NaNoRiMo is an excellent time for any frustrated author out there--particularly if you crave the tension of a deadline. The quest is that you write 10,000 words during the month of November--guessing that's the size of the basic novel. Of course, if your book is less wordy, that's perfectly fine as well; it's the challenge of starting and FINISHING a work that creates the excitement of the project. Interested? go to
I've played around with this project a couple of times, and certainly intend to invest more time and energy into it this year--a fun place to visit--give it a try. (If you see thevillageblogger--say hello)

The 30 Days of Giving Challenge is something new to me; I've seen it, but not investigated it to much extent. However, if a project can put us in the frame of mind of giving over receiving, it's a good place to be. How desperately we need to want less and consume less. (

Ah...the freshness of a new month with its endless possibilities...hope you will find what keeps you in an adventurous spirit this month. Happy November!


  1. Hi, Tina,

    Thanks very much for stopping by the 30-Day Giving Challenge site. I'm so glad to meet all these new faces and hear your thoughts on giving, etc.

  2. I'm glad you're joining us for the 30-Day Giving Challenge, Tina!


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