I just realized something...for the past two years on Labor Day, I have found my fall/winter hairstyle. Is that not the most random thing you've heard today? But then again, Labor Day is famous for marking changes...
I don't normally think of a warm day in the early part of September as a beginning, but in many ways I guess it truly is on our internal clocks. Schools (don't get us started) for many many years didn't begin until the day after Labor Day, so that hastened a new year; to the true traditionalists, the white purses, shoes, pants, and skirts were put away on Labor Day to hasten a new season of off-white and beige; before modern farming practices tied in with little global warming, farmers would start turning their thoughts to harvest, creating a new season. So, I guess we could almost say "Happy New Season" as much as "Happy Labor Day".
Of course, Labor Day itself is marked for bringing the American worker and working conditions into a more sane place. No more child labor, no more death-defying machinery, no more 12 hour work days...hhhmmm...I think we've come full circle on that one :).
I did read an interesting statistic from Valerie Strauss in the Washington Post. The fastest growing jobs in the future? Well, nursing of course (we babyboomers do have our needs) and network systems and data communication analysts. I find that exciting that as long as we have our minds and our gumption to learn, we can still be a valuable part of the workforce for years to come. I hope to find myself actively computing for many years to come...via la Labor force!
So, cheers to my fellow laborers, whatever your labor of choice may be and cheers to the changes this time of year brings.
Oh, and the hairstyle? A mid-century marvel to be sure. Hopefully I an talk this head of hair into becoming a smooth, longish 50s style I spotted this morning in. I consider myself especially fortunate to have a dear friend and very talented stylist in NY in whom I can ask "does this work?" Happy news...he said "Without a doubt." Thanks, Eddie :).
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