At 9:02 a.m. (according to a birth certificate and my mom), I came into being. Apparently a girl was much wanted to round out a family of boys up to this point. As I was growing up, family friends tell the story of my dad zipping around town in his car, honking and announcing he had a girl. According to my dad, my mom was under the effects of ether and was very skeptical when he told her I was, indeed, a she. Nevertheless, the ether wore off and the word got out, and so here we are :).
I've never been much of one to look backward; not much for studying my own history. It seems too easy to carry along unwanted baggage along with all the otherwise good memories. So today won't be much of a day to reminisce about times past (although I might sneak in a couple of fun memories of birthday parties and sleep-overs as a kid--who could resist??)
So today I woke up with the intent to soak up the present (no pun intended)--a pleasant morning in which to enjoy the first coffee of the day while looking through a little stack of birthday cards that have accumulated over the past week, reading good wishes from good people on Facebook, having a daily chat with my mom.
I told Tom I wanted today to just be a day--no big plans. Life gets too planned, and in all that planning, we miss some pretty good stuff :). So today, we just let it flow and see what it brings.
My ultimate present to myself was releasing the pent-up writer; as a result, I'll be launching not only this blog today, but also a food blog ( and simple observations of life ( This site is the anchor of these and all additional blogs; I can't begin to describe the fun this has been thus far. Tom asked me what I'd like to do for my birthday; so far,the planning, design, and delivery of this project has kept me happily occupied...I am thinking a little ride "around the block" on the motorcycle couldn't hurt :)).
I hope you'll join the blog or's an easy process through google...just follow the directions on the page. I always welcome your comments and thoughts.
And, as one more reminder, I hope you visit these links throughout the year:,, and These are three fantastic organizations that help folks, young and old. I know there are many great places out there to help; we're fortunate people--we can help those who aren't.
Thanks for indulging me in my birthday gift. I hope you'll join me in this year-long experiment with life. God bless.
In honor of your birthday I gave $20 to Heifer. No clutter at your house and somebody gets helped. It fits you!